
maandag 26 september 2011

Karl Lagerfeld is an Incoherent Idiot, Deconstructing 8 of his Nonsensical Tweets

Karl Lagerfeld is one of those figures who in a previous lifetime would have been considered the quintessential village idiot. Everything he says, everything he does stinks of idiotic mockery.

Here is my take on 8 of his incoherent tweets:

Karl: Luxury is the ease of a t-shirt in a very expensive dress.

Michael: Luxury is a big lie used to separate people from each other. Luxury is used to create a class structure in which the poor cannot afford access to the lives of the rich. Luxury is the mockery of the people, to live a luxurious life while people starve, how do you like that Karl?

Karl: With expensive fashion, the inside should be as perfect as the outside.

Michael: Expensive fashion is an excuse to turn women into zombie-like consumers of images that they cannot afford. Expensive fashion is a fraudulent industry, which takes the labor of the people for as cheaply as possible and then it creates an imaginary value in the hands of the rich. What is it like Karl? What is it like wearing a $15,000 dress in a village where $15,000 can feed the whole village for a year?

Karl: Nonchalance in couture is very important, because couture without nonchalance is just the drag queen attitude of women of an era past.

Michael: Nonchalance is the excuse that people use for avoiding action against injustice. Nonchalance is avoiding brutal facts of inequality. Nonchalance is the feeling that the upper class have nurtured and harvested in order to avoid confronting the inherent selfishness of their actions. Can a hungry child be nonchalant to food and hunger? Can a poor woman in Detroit dying because she cannot afford a basic surgery be nonchalant? How about that Karl?

Karl: Luxury is the income tax of vanity. But it is so pleasant.

Michael: What is so pleasant about a generation of apolitical women spending billions trying to attain a reality that does not exist? What is so pleasant Karl about deceiving the people with armies of fashion writers and magazines? What is so pleasant about watching people starve while shopping for an $800 scarf?

Karl: Fashion keeps me designing: the love of change, the idea that the next one will be the right one, the nonstop dialogue.”

Michael: Fashion is not what keeps you designing Karl, it is money. It is your hunger for money and accumulation. It is your diseased psychology, it is your sodden instincts. It is not fashion and art that keep you going, it is the love for money and power and wealth and that hoarding of the people’s resources. How about that Karl?

Karl: I have no idea of the future — never, ever. That’s what I like about fashion. It’s paradise now.

Michael: The future is the revolution Karl. The future is the people’s future. The future is when we grow conscious and debunk your images and vain super model idols. The future is when the people shut the advertised nonsense up. Of course you have no idea about the future, because if you think about it for a second, you’d realize that you’re complicit in the destruction of women’s psychology day after day. How about that Karl?

Karl: I only go to places if I have a professional reason. I’m not a tourist.

Michael: That is because you’re a neocolonialist, of the image type. That is because you spend your days trying to find ways to push your rotting into new markets. You are not a tourist Karl, because you do not believe in culture, because you have spend your entire life erasing the cultures of the world and replacing them with high consumption habits. How about that Karl?

Karl: My greatest problem in life is my indifference to the outside world.

Michael: That is because you’re weak Karl. That is because you have betrayed the people and have become obsessed with money and profits. That is because you are nothing but a profiteer with no human vision. That is because you are nothing but a capitalist trying to accumulate mountains of capital. Your indifference to the outside world is a byproduct of your stale, rotting, political consciousness. How about that Karl?

Michael Schaefer via

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