
donderdag 31 januari 2013

woensdag 30 januari 2013

dinsdag 29 januari 2013

 Anonymous hacks DoJ website for Aaron Swartz      -    Natasha Lennard 

In weekend attacks, hackers released encrypted government files and turned the sentencing website into a video game


maandag 28 januari 2013

Breaking the Metaphor: Augmented Reality Theory and the New Aesthetic - jamesvincent

The New Aesthetic and critiques of digital dualism have much in common: they emerged in the same year; the nature of their conclusions are (partly) formed by the method of their construction – that is to say, they originated in the digital and as such are collaborative, speculative, and ongoing; and they both seem to spring from the close attention paid to the enticing bangs, whoops, and crashes issuing from the overlap of our digital and physical worlds. But more than this, I would argue that the two concepts are expressions of one another: it sometimes seems that New Aesthetic artwork is an illustration of digital dualist critiques; and likewise it is possible to read digital dualist critiques as descriptions of New Aesthetic artefacts.

vrijdag 25 januari 2013

dinsdag 22 januari 2013

Gudrun Gut "Simply the Best" (Tina Turner cover) - Thomas Fehlmann's Vers...

The Oliverwho Factory - Before (Original Mix)

Short Stories - On The Way

The Ätztussis

The Ätztussis belonged to the second generation Berlin punk bands. While the first generation (eg PVC) sang in English above all and strongly copied the English models, sang the second generation who were recruited mainly from the anarchist and squatter scene in Kreuzberg, in German, and developed his own, very rough style of music.

The Ätztussis never signed a record contract with a major record company. Her best-known recordings are the 1980 to the LP camp released 36 live songs. A live performance of the band took place on the Antifascist Festival Berlin 1979th. The band played on a truck in front of the detention center for women in Berlin. The song was later beat back the compilation attached to the festival.


maandag 21 januari 2013

Colonial Feminism

"FEMEN began with sex worker rights, an area in which conflating nudity and sexuality is pretty much inevitable (& an area w/ women I support), but its emphasis on attractive women (on women [Western] men find attractive) is what undermines its purpose of securing women’s rights. Because while it may be inevitable to coincide sexuality and nudity, what FEMEN has done is conflate sexuality with sexiness. And thus the purpose of securing women’s rights is defeated–especially religious women of color, who are perceived as victims of their religion, and thus colonialist feminist rhetoric is employed against, for example, Arab women. The nudity is not, “Everyone is whoever the hell she is–no performances,” but rather, “My Western feminism is better [read: sexier] than yours, according to my own standards of liberation / beauty to which you should abide. Perform accordingly!"

Nahida @ Fatal Feminist  +  VIA

zondag 20 januari 2013

Swabian Separatists Fling Spätzle to Make Their Point

BERLIN — Separatists have escalated a growing conflict in the heart of the German capital. Their weapons of choice were delicious egg noodles, their victim a woman made of bronze.
Jonas Rest/Berliner Zeitung, via DPA
A statue of the artist Käthe Kollwitz was defaced by spätzle, a southern specialty. A group calling itself Free Swabylon claimed responsibility, calling for an autonomous district.
A statue of the artist and activist Käthe Kollwitz was defaced with the southern German specialty known as spätzle, the latest episode in an escalating quarrel between Berliners and German migrants from Swabia, a region just west of Munich. A group calling itself Free Swabylon claimed responsibility on Tumblr, calling for an autonomous Swabian district in Berlin, to be known as Swabylon. 

Digital Dualism And The Glitch Feminism Manifesto


There are only so many Deen videos a girl can watch with the goal of “critique” at the forefront: at a certain point, one of two things irrupts that process. The first is a screen, stuck, overwhelmed as a consequence of having too many windows open, too many things playing at once; I am trying to get an education, make a determination for myself, so I want to see everything, hear everything, right now, all at once. The second irruption I will leave for you to guess at. I will hint at the latter by saying that a petite morte of the physical self can be easily mirrored in the metaphor of the digital “glitch”—a little digital death, a wheeze, a shift, a breath, a sneeze, a pause. A glitch. I am writing from there: the glitch. The moment of one’s participation in sexual activity online where the myth of AFK (“Away From Keyboard”) and IRL (“In Real Life”) that comprise the two sides of Jurgenson’s digital dualism duality collapse, and, in the collapse, realize their dazzling potential.



The Future Quest ?

zaterdag 19 januari 2013

Are you a lab rat?

 Good Food for Farming - Demo pics in front of the Reichstag, Berlin 19.01.13

vrijdag 18 januari 2013

Daft Punk/Spice GIrls - I Wannabe Your Digital Love (Mashup Cover)

Aaron Swartz: Guerilla Open Access Manifesto

Critics Respond to a Call-to-Arms, Here’s What You Need to Know                               YEAH!

zondag 13 januari 2013

Slavoj Žižek: a philosopher to sing about     ♪  

The Slovenian thinker, who provokes both right and left with his discourses on society and humanity, is now an inspiration for four new operas. How will he fare at the hands of Covent Garden?


zaterdag 12 januari 2013

vrijdag 11 januari 2013

RadioTango spiller jula inn med Klokkene på Oslo Rådhus 2009

Whitey will pay

Whitey will pay from Kundan Lal on Vimeo.

A tour docu-montage following rostocks grind blasters `Wojczech´ & experimental dude `G.Las´ on their 2oo3 SouthEastAsia-Tour.

Suicide Bridges


donderdag 10 januari 2013

bargain blasphemy


"Call Me Maybe," layered 147 times in its acapella form by Dan Deacon

maandag 7 januari 2013

Киноконцерн "Мосфильм"

all movies made by mosfilm on youtube: HERE

zaterdag 5 januari 2013

Maaash up !

Anne perpetua

Anne Will  - a german talkshow

vrijdag 4 januari 2013

i count ...


sees sun...

Celebrities Read Mean Tweets

The Lives of Others

02.01.2013 · Observing others from outside their bodies, we hold them responsible. Observing ourselves from inside, we can always think of our personal extenuating circumstances.


donderdag 3 januari 2013

Just do not get a job right now!

...fantastic header of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Germany's notorious conservative newspaper writes today:

Just do not get a job right now! You do not have to do it like Diogenes and refuse any kind of work only to live and focus on your animal side. You shouldn't either only live for the work. We can learn from Diogenes how to live with animals, to simplify life and how to get over days that are stretched like tired dogs.(metaphor for boring!)

Autsch aua !

Pseudo-Marx of 2013: "The philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways—the point however is to hack it."

dinsdag 1 januari 2013

Snoop Dogg - Sexual Eruption XXX

All Over The House - Skepta

Fear makes the wolf bigger

.... XmASS

do it with a rockstar

better start from 1:20 or 2:00

Is Slavoj Zizek a Left-Fascist?

Liberals always say about totalitarians that they like humanity, as such, but they have no empathy for concrete people, no? OK, that fits me perfectly. Humanity? Yes, it's OK – some great talks, some great arts. Concrete people? No, 99 per cent are boring idiots. 


The Universe Is Expanding


2011.  Bradford Cox releases Parallax, his third solo album as Atlas Sound.  With stripped down songwriting and a crooning yet sometimes goofy live performance, Cox makes us all as sad and lonely as he is.
And he plays shows in his pyjamas.