Response from NN >>HERE<<
... I am requesting that within a reasonable number of days Salon.com corrects the numerous errors present in the article and issues a public apology. For your convenience I have enumerated the innumerable errors below.
Regards, NN
1. \\ Denying my humanity does not a verse make.
Katharine Mieszkowski has written:
"For someone who does not exist -- at least the way you or I do"
Prior to the illegal / criminal invasion of Poland in 1939,
NAZI propaganda films depicted Poles as less than human, as inhuman, as not "you or I" or `us`.
German soldiers however, soon found that Poles much different than "you or I" or `us` weren't. They sweated, begot cavities, were prone to bouts of unhappiness and happiness, when in the mood demanded attention and love, and ... they were very very stubborn.
My skin is filled with human blood.
Not unlike yours.
I absolutely refuse the idea that I exist!