
donderdag 9 februari 2012

Open letter to my fellow students

you have to understand yourself as a political artist and human being.THE PRIVATE IS POLITICAL! You need to understand the connection and that it must come to an end of art-as-entertainment, give up the idea of liberal art and finally position yourself! What is REQUIRED: a socio-political profile! Jazz used to be slave-music, only in that sense thers gonna be a revolution, only then you can escape the consumists-godfathers that withdraw your autonomy! Begin with no justification (cash shortages,what to do, therapy, etc..) nor incoherent belly brushing ("oh how good that we are alive") Will you tolerate, so will your audience! Hopefully then they will understand and be grateful to you,means self-standing and independent. Only then your art will finally start thinking, so will they (fellow men & women) Cite them Dostoyevski and Tarde, Guattari and Hegel for a new way out of the SHOW.Take them out of their own caused passivity and imposed immaturity a la Hollywood.FOR THE FREEDOM OF ART! FOR THE FREE-MAKING ART ! FOR THE END OF THE DEADLY AMUSEMENT! FOR THE END OF INFINITE BOREDOM!


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