
zaterdag 3 april 2010

What would you do?

Or why don't they teach important basics in school? Do click here and after the jump click on image to get readable text size!

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Shit!!! I just wrote a text and i did something stupid and now my text is gone. But what the hack i will do it again.

    For starters interesting text, it keeps me thinking!!
    I think the people or person who wrote this text, has is observations and conclusions by the "life on earth" semiotics and mathematics. For the mathematics part this means the study of systems and structures and the semiotics part it means the study of signs and symbols, but both they have the foundation in the intelligence of the modern man.
    But where does the part comes in of nanotechnology and even more important the part that we know the least of quantumphysics? Now i come to the thing that popped up in my mind, CERN had just a small discovery with the LHC (unfortunately i can't find the article online), towards the discover of the Higgs boson -the hypothetical element of matter that would help explain the origin of mass in the universe- that is for all the scientist still a big mystery what's gonna happen, but they 'know' -based on theoretical assumptions- that something is gonna happen that's gonna change or put our physics in another direction.

    What the text already in the beginning makes clear is the substitution of the "BC / AD" into "pre-contact and post-contact". I think there is an era before this or even a substitute for this and that could be the discovery of the origin of the universe, what can come a step much closer with the LHC. I still have hope or believe in the discovery of the origin of matter (or the affirmation of god). The unknown still keeps staying unknown and therefore there's still a lot (less and less) to understand in the "life on earth" and universal context.
    So indirect this text of 'first-alien-contact' puts you in the interrogateseat with the question what would you do if:
    You're walking in a dark area with no ears, eyes, nose, mouth and skin and an ant asks you, where's the supermarket?

    This question doesn't make totally sense, but's it's a nice sentence. It reminds me of a reading of John Cage.

    John Cage reads Basho
    Maz take ya
    Shivanu chono hano

    Literal translation of Japanese Haiku by Basho
    Pine mushroom ignorance
    Leaf of tree

    Translated by Basho
    The leaf of some unknown tree
    Sticking on a mushroom

    Anonymous Japanese composer
    Mushroom does not know
    That leaf is
    Sticking on it

    Interpretation by John Cage
    That that is unkown
    Brings mushroom and leaf together

    Second interpretation by John Cage
    What Leaf?
    What Mushroom?

    This text is not a clarification of the question, but just a nice thinking. I think the possibility exist tha human intelligence are not capable to recognize "alien life from". Go easy.

  2. Zsolt keep on posting these things!! In the beginning i had trouble reading from monitor but since the blog it's changing. There was this article a year ago in the Volkskrant about that the internet has effect on reading, that it makes you screen text. It's with everything you just have to try!!!
