
vrijdag 12 maart 2010

BLOODY paint

The clues of my BLOODY paint is out of serial controle 
This -BLOODY paint- looks like all these clowneque horror serial killers, half men half women and metal hero countes elisabeth- posted pasts fews...
How to go on further with this BLOODY paint..?
I think i will have to kill after these stories!

7 opmerkingen:

  1. Looks pretty on the screen, altough i see some evil baconesque scream. It's not horrific in the first sense, so that's good, but it has a indetermined structure. I like it.

  2. I reallye think it's great. Even this indetermined structure gives it a distant in perspective, and of course the flower embodiement. It's good. Did i use enough diffecult words or do i have to use more.

  3. merci martien! i going further on it , the bloody still has to come in. but do i need the figure in it? can i also give expression without the women i ask. well i have to try and see. i will post my progress laterrr...

  4. i like! great comment embodiments!

    of course one needs post embodiments like this and a little blood and 1/3 "empty" paintings to suck in circulating viewer hemogoblins...

    do, do, do!

  5. I lov this word hemogoblin haemo and goblin bloedsoortigkwelgeest

  6. had to keep up with, you know previous comments, "diffecult words"... (martien, thank you again for comment embodiments!)
