
dinsdag 23 maart 2010

Schlingensief - Bitte liebt Österreich

this is an event by christoph schlingensief in vienna, austria. there right next to the wiener oper, they installed a container where 12 immigrants lived for a duration of one week. like in big brother, people who called could kick the immigrants out of the container and decide who will get back to their country. every day two people had to go. the winner could get some money and as far as possible he or she could find after somebody to marry to stay in austria! it happened right in the year 2000 when austria got its right wing coalition running the government. of course this event stirred up a lot of controversies like many other projects of schlingensief. on the top of the container you see the writting "auslaender raus" which had to be renewed almost every day, because it got demolished by acid and colourbombs. many locals got really offended by the openess and directness of this event. as you can see here, this old lady hitting and screaming at schlingensief "du kuenstler!":

7 opmerkingen:

  1. really interesting action! how come i never heard of it before?! thanks!

  2. here another trailer of the event :


    there is a whole movie "auslaender raus!" i can bring it.

  3. it is! do bring it, thank you! enjoy next post end is good too!

  4. laibach is great ! a very emotional response to this post.

  5. Deze reactie is verwijderd door de auteur.

  6. was and still am unsure about which one is better the one i did post or this here
