
donderdag 18 maart 2010

Von Russland geliebt, von Stalin verboten

For the old communists. Guy Debord or how to sing like a true situationist.

6 opmerkingen:

  1. non soviet utopia is suddenly "verboten" thank you independent Nicolae Ceauşescu!

  2. what is more we might be enabling sick f*cking non-sense to rule the world while get back to "WORK". long live to "never work"... and long live to conspiracy!

  3. világ proletárjai, egyesüljetek! ...or are we living in the wrong century ?

  4. i am no proletar! hazátlan... whahthever... we are living in whatever century... i am "going to sleep... groetjes! on this channel never work"... play(?) [act up}...whatever..........
